Saturday 30 March 2013

Webinar catchup

Caught up on the PLN webinar that took place on Wednesday night.  Interesting to play with my blog while Kelly was speaking.  She was adjusting her bog but it didn't appear on the Blackboard screen so I just went and had a play with my blog settings while she spoke.  Frustrating trying to adjust one of my blog links and Blogger wouldn't save the changes, need to go back and see what step I am missing.

I have reactivated my twitter account, but still don't know really what I will tweet about.  Most of what I think is interesting I have found out through OZ TL net or other professional sources so it is already going around the community without me retweeting it.

Really appreciating Flipboard on the iPad.  Adult son is away in America and I was able to add a feed from South By South West while he was there and have the Wondercon feed loaded ready for when he attends that amazing convention on the weekend.

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