Tuesday 12 March 2013

Meg as an educator

I have been a librarian for over 20 years, worked in special libraries (one person- sending out braille, large print and audio - cassettes! books), public libraries, public schools and private schools. I have recently completed my teaching qualifications.

I would say I am an avid user of Web 2.0 and I love sharing what I find. For example in the first week of my teaching Uni course, I was in front of all 100 students and staff showing them how to use Pearltrees.  Now I would show them diigo!

At school all the staff have iPads. In the library we had one last year shared between 2 staff members (it doesn't work) and now we each have our own. We are trying out different apps and trying to discern how do you pick the right one and share that with other staff.  The students are mainly on PCs but the students in year 11 and 12 are bringing their own laptops more and more.

My current network is a practical one.  I am part of the OZ TL net group and have posted some questions and answers but mainly use it to gain insight and knowledge.  I am part of SLAV, ALIA and CBCA Vic. I chat with librarians I have worked with in the past and share and learn from them.  I love going to conferences and mixing with people and finding out what they are doing and what I might be able to do.

My goal for the PLN is to become more fluent and practiced in the tools available. To share that knowledge with staff and students.

1 comment:

  1. Great to see such an experienced librarian on the journey. I'm sure you'll have more to share with you classmates after the PLN!
