Caught up on the PLN webinar that took place on Wednesday night. Interesting to play with my blog while Kelly was speaking. She was adjusting her bog but it didn't appear on the Blackboard screen so I just went and had a play with my blog settings while she spoke. Frustrating trying to adjust one of my blog links and Blogger wouldn't save the changes, need to go back and see what step I am missing.
I have reactivated my twitter account, but still don't know really what I will tweet about. Most of what I think is interesting I have found out through OZ TL net or other professional sources so it is already going around the community without me retweeting it.
Really appreciating Flipboard on the iPad. Adult son is away in America and I was able to add a feed from South By South West while he was there and have the Wondercon feed loaded ready for when he attends that amazing convention on the weekend.
Saturday, 30 March 2013
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
State Library celebrations
Looking at the State Library of Victoria page and reading about the comedian Josh Earl, then follow on to the Royal Society for questions and curiosity film clip. I think I recognise the man with the newspaper, Cam?
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Evernote and diigo
I have been using Evernote for some time but not using the tags. Last year, I think because one of our library staff did the PLN 2012 we were introduced to diigo. Prior to this I had used Pearltrees but I could see the power and potential of diigo and the importance of the tags. I haven't gone back (yet) to add tags to my existing Evernote files but I can see the importance to create them as I go.
We now have a diigo group within our library staff group so that we can easily share great websites.
My reflection for this unit, was that it was good to go back and look at tools I was already using and ensure that I was using all the features. I also wanted to be at my home PC to install Chrome, though I will check out the situation at work.
Here is the link for my shared Evernote
We now have a diigo group within our library staff group so that we can easily share great websites.
My reflection for this unit, was that it was good to go back and look at tools I was already using and ensure that I was using all the features. I also wanted to be at my home PC to install Chrome, though I will check out the situation at work.
Here is the link for my shared Evernote
Sunday, 17 March 2013
ALIA schools session on iPads
More networking and learning opportunities, attended the ALIA schools' iPad session in Cooburg. Great to see a full house and some younger librarians. Different schools shared what their schools are doing with iPads, one school every student had an iPad (own purchase or a loan from the school), the other had class sets of iPads.
Lots of apps mentioned, just need to time to have a play and assess the need for my school. Some apps I already use like Flipboard, Pinterest and others I need to look at.
Have been wondering how to list apps so that Library staff can share great apps with other staff, do we catalogue them, create lists? Through practical discussion in final session I am thinking that we might create a Library Pinterest page with boards for each of the different genres of apps. Will talk at school to see what the other library staff think.
Lots of apps mentioned, just need to time to have a play and assess the need for my school. Some apps I already use like Flipboard, Pinterest and others I need to look at.
Have been wondering how to list apps so that Library staff can share great apps with other staff, do we catalogue them, create lists? Through practical discussion in final session I am thinking that we might create a Library Pinterest page with boards for each of the different genres of apps. Will talk at school to see what the other library staff think.
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Meg as an educator
I have been a librarian for over 20 years, worked in special libraries (one person- sending out braille, large print and audio - cassettes! books), public libraries, public schools and private schools. I have recently completed my teaching qualifications.
I would say I am an avid user of Web 2.0 and I love sharing what I find. For example in the first week of my teaching Uni course, I was in front of all 100 students and staff showing them how to use Pearltrees. Now I would show them diigo!
At school all the staff have iPads. In the library we had one last year shared between 2 staff members (it doesn't work) and now we each have our own. We are trying out different apps and trying to discern how do you pick the right one and share that with other staff. The students are mainly on PCs but the students in year 11 and 12 are bringing their own laptops more and more.
My current network is a practical one. I am part of the OZ TL net group and have posted some questions and answers but mainly use it to gain insight and knowledge. I am part of SLAV, ALIA and CBCA Vic. I chat with librarians I have worked with in the past and share and learn from them. I love going to conferences and mixing with people and finding out what they are doing and what I might be able to do.
My goal for the PLN is to become more fluent and practiced in the tools available. To share that knowledge with staff and students.
I would say I am an avid user of Web 2.0 and I love sharing what I find. For example in the first week of my teaching Uni course, I was in front of all 100 students and staff showing them how to use Pearltrees. Now I would show them diigo!
At school all the staff have iPads. In the library we had one last year shared between 2 staff members (it doesn't work) and now we each have our own. We are trying out different apps and trying to discern how do you pick the right one and share that with other staff. The students are mainly on PCs but the students in year 11 and 12 are bringing their own laptops more and more.
My current network is a practical one. I am part of the OZ TL net group and have posted some questions and answers but mainly use it to gain insight and knowledge. I am part of SLAV, ALIA and CBCA Vic. I chat with librarians I have worked with in the past and share and learn from them. I love going to conferences and mixing with people and finding out what they are doing and what I might be able to do.
My goal for the PLN is to become more fluent and practiced in the tools available. To share that knowledge with staff and students.
back to blogging
well it has been a while between posts. At the moment I am having trouble getting this current one to save and load. I have enrolled for the PLN with the State Library of Victoria so there will be more regular posts.
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